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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are already big enough and face no everyday issues in your business. Then, surely you don’t need us. But, if you find it difficult to manage your small business and have some hunger for growth, then let us help you.

We are not here to only charge you money, we are here to build relationships. When you meet us to discuss your problems and get to know each other and your business. We DON’T charge. We only make money when you are also prepared to do so.

Well! That depends on the type of service you are opting for. We have separate charges for each services and combo of services for full-outsource. Call – 8962295813 to know more.

Please feel free to contact on 8962295813 in working hrs. OR leave a message on 9907406200 using the chat button below. You can also reach us via mail at info@feleno.in and no doubts! personal meeting is just perfect. Click contact page in menu above for address.